Steering Committee

No. Nama Institusi
1 Dr. Nur Priyanto Poupon, M.Pd. Rector of Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
2 Dr. Ir. Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari,
S.T., M.T., IPU, ASEAN Eng., ACPE, APEC Eng.
State Polytechnic of Malang
3 Edi Triono Nuryatno, Ph.D., M.Sc., MACS CT, B.Sc, IP3P The University of Western Australia
4 Dr. Okto Dinaryanto, S.T., M.M, M.Eng Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
5 Dr. Eng. Ir. Rosa Andrie Asmara, S.T., M.T. State Polytechnic of Malang
6 Prof. Wu, Chin-Yung National Cheng Kung University
7 Ing-Song Yu, Ph.D. National Dong Hwa University
8 Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng. Gadjah Mada University
9 Yasrin Zabidi, S.T., M.T. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
10 Drs. Syafrudin Abdie, M.Kom. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
11 Drs. Suyoko, M.Si. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
12 Hero Wintolo, S.T., M.Kom. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
13 Nurfi Ahmadi, S.T.,M.Eng. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology

Technical Committee

No Nama Institusi
1 Muhammad Jalu Purnomo, S.T., M.T. National Dong Hwa University
2 Bahrul Jalaali, S.T., M.Eng. Osaka University
3 Ir. Ika Noer Syamsiana S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng. Politeknik Negeri Malang
4 Dewanti Ratna Pertiwi, S.Pd., M.Hum. Griffith University
5 Prof. Dra. Sri Hartati, M.Sc., Ph.D. Universitas Gadjah Mada
6 Dr. Lies Banowati, S.T., M.T. Universitas Nurtanio
7 Aprilia Sakti Kusuma Lestari, S.Si., M.Si. Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma
8 Prof. Anton Satria Prabuwono, Ph.D. King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
9 Prof. Sandra Lovrenčić, Ph.D. Faculty of organization and informatics
Pavlinska 2, 42000 Varaždin, Croatia
10 Prof. Taufik
Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo, USA
11 Dr. Teguh Wibowo, S.T., M.T. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
12 Akhmad Dahlan, M.Kom Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
13 Dr.Ir. Joan Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya
14 Fredy Jingga, S.Kom, MMSI Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
15 Agung Nugroho Pramudhita, S,T., M.T. State Polytechnic of Malang
16 Arie Rachmad Syulistyo, S.Kom., M.Kom. State Polytechnic of Malang

Conference Commitee

Conference Chair Rindu Alriavindra Funny., S.Pd., M.Sc. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
Program Chair Freddy Kurniawan, S.T., M.T. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
Technical Program Chair
  • Anggraini Kusumaningrum, S.T., M.Cs. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Arif Pambekti, S.T.,M.T. - Politeknik Negeri Semarang
  • Sudaryanto, S.T., M.Eng. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Fajar Khanif Rahmawati, S.T., M.M. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Eli Kumolosari, S.T., M.Eng. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Gunawan, S.T., M.T. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Akhmad Dahlan, M.Kom - Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Dr.Ir. Joan Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom. - Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya
  • Fredy Jingga, S.Kom, MMSI, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Finance Chair Marni Astuti, S.T., M.T. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
Publication Chair Salam Aryanto, S.Kom., M. Kom. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Elisabeth Anna Prattiwi, S.T., M.Sc. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Riski Kurniawan, S.Si., M.Sc. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Maria Asumpta Deny Kusumaningrum, S.Pd., M.Hum. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Sri Mulyani, S.T., M.Eng. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Istyawan Priyahapsara, S.T., M.Eng. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Lazuardy Rahendra P., S.T., M.T. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Deny Dermawan, S.T., M.T. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Riani Nurdin, S.T., M.Sc. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Astika Ayuningtyas, S.Kom., M.Cs. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Abdul Haris Subarjo, S.Si., Apt., M.Sc. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology
  • Yenni Astuti, S.T., M.Eng. - Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology

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